MySql - Convert InnoDB to MyISAM Storage Engine of Database

MySql - Convert InnoDB to MyISAM Storage Engine of Database

To convert Database InnoDB Tables to MyISAM steps follow these steps

1. Take the backup of Mysql database

[root@Centos7 ]# mysqldump -f --opt mysqldb > /usr/mysqldb.sql

2. Convert the ENGINE from InnoDB to MYISAM  by using below commans.

[root@Centos7 ]#mysql -u username -p -e "SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE ', TABLE_NAME,' ENGINE=MYISAM;') FROM Information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'db_name' AND ENGINE = 'InnoDB' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'" | tail -n+2 >> /root/MYISAM.sql

Note : Update  username and db_name values with your own values.

3. mport that MYISAM.sql file into INNODB database

[root@Centos7 ]# mysql -u username -p mysqldb < /root/MYISAM.sql

4. Make it permanent, add to my.cnf

default-storage-engine= MyISAM


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