issuse :SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)

root@HPUX:~# realm join --user=domainuser  windows.local  --install=/ -v
 * Resolving:
 * Resolving: windows.local
 * Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:
 * Successfully discovered: windows.local
Password for domainuser:
 * Assuming packages are installed
 * LANG=C /usr/sbin/adcli join --verbose --domain windows.local --domain-realm WINDOWS.LOCAL --domain-controller --login-type user --login-user domainuser --stdin-password
 * Using domain name: windows.local
 * Calculated computer account name from fqdn: HPUX
 * Using domain realm: windows.local
 * Sending netlogon pings to domain controller: cldap://
 * Received NetLogon info from:
 * Wrote out krb5.conf snippet to /var/cache/realmd/adcli-krb5-OYG8o8/krb5.d/adcli-krb5-conf-QbSlJr
 * Authenticated as user: domainuser@WINDOWS.LOCAL
 ! Couldn't authenticate to active directory: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)
adcli: couldn't connect to windows.local domain: Couldn't authenticate to active directory: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)
 ! Insufficient permissions to join the domain
realm: Couldn't join realm: Insufficient permissions to join the domain


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