
Showing posts from 2015

Installation Guide of cPanel DNSONLY

To install cPanel DNSONLY, perform the following steps: 1. To open the /home directory, run the following command: cd /home 2. To fetch the latest installation files from cPanel's servers, run the following command:.. curl -o latest-dnsonly -L 3. To open and execute the installation files, run the following command: sh latest-dnsonly

How to Install GlassFish on a CentOS 6 VPS

You can download the JDK here: I'm using the latest, which is JDK 8, update 24. The JDK is specific to 32 and 64 bit versions. My CentOS box is 64 bit, so I'll need: jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz. Download the appropriate JDK and save it to a directory. I'm saving it to /root. Move (mv) or copy (cp) the file to the /opt directory: Create the directory /usr/java. 1.            [root@testserver ~]# mkdir /usr/java 2.            [root@testserver ~]# cd mkdir /usr/java 3.            [root@testserver ~]# tar -xvf /root/jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz 4             [root@testserver jdk1.8.0_45]# pwd /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_45 Set the JAVA_HOME path. This is where we installed...

Restrict RDP access to certain IP addresses on Windows 2008 Server

It is recommended that you restrict your Windows 2008 server’s RDP access to certain IP addresses only. This will protect your servers from unauthorized RDP access. To restrict RDP access for Windows 2008 server, you can easily do it using Windows Firewall with Advanced settings. To restrict the access, you will need to follow the below steps: Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Windows Firewall with Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules -> Remote Desktop (TCP-In) -> Properties -> Scope -> Local / Remote IP Address Once you set the scope, you will be able to access RDP only from the specified scope. Please note that if you have dynamic IP address, it is not recommended to set one IP address however if your dynamic IP range is fixed, you can specify entire subnet.