Installing a self-signed SSL certificate on a cPanel

Create a self-signed SSL certificate

Login to WHM.

Click “Generate a SSL Certificate & Signing Request”.
Enter “Contact info” with a valid e-mail address.
Enter or generate a password, making sure it is sufficiently long with a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols.
Under “Host to make cert for”, enter the domain on which you want the SSL.
Click “Create”.
Copy the text displayed for the .key and .crt, and paste them into a text file on your computer. You may need that text in the next steps.
Install a self-signed SSL certificate

In WHM, click “Install an SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain”.
Enter the domain name, account user name, and IP address for the certificate in the Domain, User, and IP Address fields.
Click “Fetch” to paste the .key and .crt files for the domain into the available display spaces, if they are currently on your server. (The first time I did this, clicking Fetch automatically pasted the required data into the fields. When I created later certs, the I had to manually paste in the information.)
Don’t enter anything in CA bundle: there is no Certificate Authority because you are installing a self-signed cert.
Click “Submit”, then wait for all processes to complete. WHM will display various lines of information and finally display “Finished Install Process.. “
Point your web browser to https:// followed by the domain, to see your new SSL connection working.
If you don’t see the SSL commands in your WHM, it may be because you don’t have a dedicated IP on your account. Once you have a dedicated IP assigned to a domain, the SSL Certificate links/commands will appear in WHM.


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