Searching Files with grep
grep prints lines from files which match a pattern For example, to find an entry in the password file /etc/passwd relating to the user ‘nancy’: $ grep nancy /etc/passwd grep has a few useful options: - i stands for upper/lower case (optional in your case) -r searches through files in specified directories, recursively -l prints just the names of files which contain matching lines( stands for "show the file name, not the result itself`. ) -c prints the count of matches in each file -n numbers the matching lines in the output -v reverses the test, printing lines which don’t match R stands for recursive. Patter Matching Use grep to fid patters, as we as simple strings Patters are expressed as reguar expressios grep -Ril "text-to-find-here" / Certain punctuation characters have special meaning For example this might be a better way to search for acy’s etry ...